Private Security

Veteran-Owned and Operated

JBI employs the finest professionals for each protection services detail. They are hand-picked to suit the needs of each client. From armed to unarmed, plainclothes to uniformed, we have highly skilled and trained professionals to secure your interests. Our Executive Protection Agents also serve as our High-Risk High-Value team.

JBI professionals work on tier levels up to our standards. Tier 3 guards are unarmed guards, Tier 2 guards are your armed professionals. Tier 1 is designated for our high-risk high-value professionals. They have added specialized tactical experience and training.JBI employs the finest professionals for each protection services detail. They are hand-picked to suit the needs of each client. From armed to unarmed, plainclothes to uniformed, we have highly skilled and trained professionals to secure your interests. Our Executive Protection Agents also serve as our High-Risk High-Value team.

Choose Our Security Service for Reliable Security Officers in Michigan

When there’s a very important person arriving in a certain city, they should always be protected. Most of the time, they are so important that bad people would want to kill them and that’s why having armed security officers with you is always the best idea. If you want to hire a security service that has these others, you can most definitely rely on JBI Securities Services to provide you with one. If you are based in White Lake, MI, we can discuss business personally.

Security Officers

You wouldn’t want inexperienced officers protecting you whenever the time comes that you’re faced with a threat. You should always have armed security officers in Michigan that you can rely on at all times because they are the ones that protect your life. That’s what you’re going to benefit from whenever you decide to choose our security services. With our team of well-trained officers, you can best bet that they’ll be able to do the job without a problem. They are also well-trained to handle all kinds of rearms and they know all of the basics to use it as well. So if you ever need armed security officers to hire, let us know and we’ll have officers with you right away.

Contact Us

828 N. Milford Rd

Highland, MI 48357

Have Any Security Problems?

We Offer Plain Clothes and Uniformed Security Officers.

© 2023 All rights reserved. JBI-Securities LLC.